US Federal Agency Documents, Decisions and Appeals
Contains the body of reported judicial opinions that are published by each agency.
The Encyclopedia of Law tries to cover featuring reports, decisions, and records of some of the most important U.S.
federal agencies.
Decision Law
It is the body of reported judicial
opinions that are published by each agency and thereby become
precedent and the basis for future decisions.
Browse U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions and Appeals
In our U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions and Appeals collection, you now have the ability to narrow search results by the specific federal agency responsible for publishing the document.
Select Document Type:
All Titles
US Federal Agency Documents
GPO Books (see below)
In each case, you may find references in the works to Decisions, TOC and Index.
Choose your agency in the Agency search facet
You can choose your agency in the Agency search facet:
Department of Commerce,
Department of Justice,
Internal Revenue Service,
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
etc….(there are a lot)
Selecting the agency will narrow the results to a more manageable number of matches, because now only documents published by the Department of Homeland Security are included in the search.
Also, we have added Agencies to the browse options in the collection:
GPO Books
Some of the most important GPO legal titles are:
Decisions of the National LaborRelations Board (1934-Current)
Federal Communications Commission Record (1986-Current)
Internal Revenue Cumulative Bulletin (1919-Current)
Interstate Commerce Commission Reports
Annual Energy Outlook
Budget of the U.S. Government
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Statistical Abstract of the United States
United States Sentencing Commission Guidelines
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